Controlling Indoor Air Pollution In Blue Springs, MO

Controlling Indoor Air Pollution In Blue Springs, Independence, Lee's Summit, Greenwood, MO, And Surrounding Areas

The Three Most Common Approaches To Reducing Indoor Air Pollution Are:

  1. Source Control: Eliminate or control the sources of pollution;
  2. Ventilation: Dilute and exhaust pollutants through outdoor air ventilation, and
  3. Air Cleaning: Remove pollutants through proven air cleaning methods.
Of the three, the first approach: Source control is the most effective. This involves minimizing the use of products and materials that cause indoor pollution, employing good hygiene practices to minimize biological contaminants (including the control of humidity and moisture, and occasional cleaning and disinfection of wet or moist surfaces), and using good housekeeping practices to control particles. The second approach: Outdoor air ventilation is also effective and commonly employed. Ventilation methods include installing an exhaust fan close to the source of contaminants, increasing outdoor air flows in mechanical ventilation systems, and opening windows, especially when pollutant sources are in use. The third approach: Air cleaning is not generally regarded as sufficient in itself, but is sometimes used to supplement source control and ventilation. Air filters, electronic particle air cleaners, and ionizers are often used to remove airborne particles, and gas adsorbing material is sometimes used to remove gaseous contaminants when source control and ventilation are inadequate.

Contact Us Today For Controlling Indoor Air Pollution In Blue Springs, Independence, Lee's Summit, Greenwood, MO, And Surrounding Areas